I think I finally healed all the deep wounds,
I feel amazing like a guitar after it has been finely tuned.
No more rain on this windowpane,
No more feeling like I have gone insane.
So this is what it feels like to be in alignment,
Not being in someone else’s shadow like a consignment.
I was put here to teach, heal, and love,
All of my gifts are given to me by God above.
I feel so blessed and I have had tremendous growth,
I feel I can talk to Creator just like The Egyptian god Thoth.
I’m just a broken girl who decided to find the beauty of putting myself together again,
I spent a lot of time in nature and studied about spirituality and Tao-ism.
I love animals and I believe I can hear the universe’s song,
I started to do what was right and let go of what felt wrong.
I see signs of angels everywhere I go,
I’m surrendering to the Divine and I go with the flow.
Kindness and compassion are my religion,
We are all imperfect and created from sin.
It’s time to see things from a higher perspective and to rise above,
I think being a human made me forget we were made to love.
Written By: Angel M Vaughan