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The Cold

It’s so dark, cold and windy tonight.

As I sat down, something compelled me to write.

Winter is not at all my favorite season,

Mainly because I’m always freezing.

Although, I have to admit I like how it forces me in,

Had it been sunny, who knows where I might have been.

When I am at home more I clean, organize, and create dreams in my space,

Because let’s face it, outside these walls it’s a fucking rat race.

I’m inspired to make new art, read, and creatively write,

These are all things that come to me very late at night.

So I lose sleep and I can’t get my fix of nature,

Connecting with the Earth has been a wonderful cure.

It’s too cold today,

“No,” I won’t come out and play.

My body, soul, and mind need rest,

Because everyday can’t be your best.

I will continue to honor how I feel,

I will continue to be authentic and real.

Although I don’t like being cold, I understand the need for all four seasons,

And for everything, I am assured that God has his reasons.

So I will not force what doesn’t flow,

And I don’t care about the status quo.

Written By:

Angel Vaughan


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