Do you feel you have any psychic or intuitive gifts and what experiences have you had? Let’s explore first what I mean by this. When I say intuition, this may also be referred to as the higher consciousness, accessing/using the third eye, working with angels and spirits. The thing about intuition is that it works different for everybody. It is nice to have guidance, but you may find something else that works better and tunes you in and that is ok too.
First, I want to discuss the different ways people can give/receive communication/information.
Clairvoyance means clear seeing. You may see objects, symbols, situations, and things that are not actually outside of yourself but rather in your mind’s eye. Some symbols you may also see in the physical world. This enables us to see beyond the visible.
Clairaudience means clear hearing. This is the ability to hear a sound or conversation which is not outside of yourself but also in your mind’s eye. This may come from spirit or guardian angels.
Clairsentience means clear feeling. This is very closely related to empathy and the ability to experience another person’s feelings, body pain, and emotions.
Claircognizance is clear knowing. This is the ability to intuitively know things without any explanation. You could also call it an inner knowing.
Prophecy is the ability to predict the future with certainty. This usually requires the use of other abilities like the clairs listed above to retrieve this information.
Clairolfactance has to do with smell sensitivity and being able to access something based off smell.
Telepathy is passing information and speaking through the mind without the use of words to other human beings.
Precognition is the prediction of future events.
Mediumship is channeling from the spirit world and angels.
Telekinesis is the movement of objects through power of the mind and without hands.
Apportation is the appearance and disappearance of an object without touch.
Signs and symbols from spirit/angels can be found everywhere from animals, to a natural phenomenon like a rainbow, or sun dogs, dreams, or seeing certain numbers, insects, flowers, birds, and feathers. Let’s share our own experiences now.
It is important to keep yourself grounded and protected when working with your intuition and psychic abilities. I usually do a prayer of gratitude each morning and ask for protection. Then I do a visualization of protection around me. I meditate regularly in the morning and before bed. I take 15 minutes to earth/ground barefoot each morning. I wear protective stones and symbols. I often think of the law of karma, and if I don’t want bad things to come to me, then I don’t want to be doing those things to other people either, because I know inevitably I will pay the price. I am also painfully aware of the duality of life, as well as the fact that life is filled with victories and failures.
Some herbs and scents that help increase intuition and psychic abilities are calendula, frankincense, myrrh, and mugwort. Some stones that help increase psychic and intuitive abilities are moonstone, amethyst, bloodstone, clear quartz, labradorite, and angel aura quartz.
I work with the lunar cycles. I use the New Moon to set new goals and intentions for the month, I spend more time resting and I spend quite a bit of time alone. I keep a gratitude page in my New Moon Journal, a ton of writing, sage and practice doing care and cleansing rituals for myself and my home. I usually do a tarot/oracle reading during this time to gain clarity and direction.
During the Full Moon I like to be more social and adventurous. I tend to have a ton of energy around the time of the full moon and I am fairly productive with it. I always feel creative around the Full Moon, so I try to carve creative time into my schedule. I do releasing and forgiving rituals during this time, I keep a gratitude page in my full moon journal, sage, charge my crystals, as well as a tarot/oracle card reading. I repeat my care and cleansing rituals for myself and my home. I tend to have more psychic downloads during the Full Moon (channeling), in fact I am channeling some parts of this class right now.
There are a few things I recommend doing at home to help connect with your higher consciousness and one is called ,“Traffic Light.” Ask a question and imagine a traffic light in your mind. What color is it? Green=yes Yellow=maybe Red=No
Spend time alone and in nature. Listen to your instincts and body sensations. Put yourself first. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink more water. Exercise daily. Cut out or limit sugar, caffeine, and protein. Journal and pray each day. Practice Telepathy. Dream Journaling. Work with the lunar cycles.
When you realize that other dimensions exist, you will never think of life, death, yourself, others, or the universe in the same way again. I have evolved/awakened several times in my life and I do not make changes to confuse anyone. I am searching and as I find answers to my questions, spiritual beliefs, and philosophies, I will make adjustments to my life so that it suits the new me, my new eyes, and my new knowledge. I am always in a state of learning and refining. Think about becoming the alchemist of your own life. To be an alchemist is to transform and create something through a magical process. Remember both happiness and suffering are critical to one’s development as a spiritual being. Practice having a consistent spiritual mindset through good times and bad.
A few channeled quotes for class:
“Trust the wait, embrace the uncertainty, and enjoy the beauty of becoming.”
“The day you plant the seed is not the same day you eat the fruit.”
“Everything that has drowned me, taught me how to swim.”
“Follow your own instincts, use your own reason, and come to your own conclusion.”
”We should not try to ”get rid” of a neurosis, but rather to experience what it means, what it has to teach. What its purpose is…” Carl Jung CW 10 page 179
“To look at a thing is very different from seeing it.”
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”
Mantras for development of intuition and empathic abilities:
I am not here to fix anyone.
I’m ready to honor my sensitive nature.
Taking care of my energy is my priority.
Saying no is a healthy way to set boundaries.
Self- care is my path to attract amazing people.
I’m a super feeler, therefore I have a big heart.
I don’t owe anyone an explanation for why I feel this way.
My sensitivity is my strength and source of intuition.
Thank you for reading my full moon blog. Subscribe at for posts about psychic & intuitive abilities, tarot/oracle information, art, poetry, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, astronomy, astrology, science, and health topics!
Sending you all blessings, love, and light.
Angel Vaughan